Computer and Information Sciences Program Outcomes | Springfield-十大赌博信誉的平台Springfield College Logo

Computer and Information Sciences Program Outcomes

Goal 1 : Students graduating with the BS degree in CISC will develop the skills and techniques necessary for computing practice.

  • SLO 1 :  Students graduating with the BS degree in CISC will develop proficiency in using software applications to increase workplace productivity. 
  • SLO 2 : Students graduating with the BS degree in CISC will develop proficiency in Object-Oriented Programming Languages. 
  • SLO 3 : Students graduating with the BS degree in CISC will develop proficiency in database design, implementation and management. 

Goal 2 : Students graduating with the BS degree in CISC will be able to apply problem-solving skills and the knowledge of computer science to solve real problems.

  • SLO 4 : Students can identify real world problems and evaluate such problems as having solutions that incorporate principles of computing. 
  • SLO 5 : Students will function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline. 

Goal 3 : Students graduating with the BS degree in CISC will be able to communicate clearly and effectively.

  • SLO 6 : Students can orally communicate and explain the functionality and usefulness of a computer program. 
  • SLO 7 : Students can communicate and explain through written documentation the design and implementation of their software solutions.