Michael Gale
Michael Gale
- Doctor of Psychology in Counseling Psychology, University at Albany, Albany, N.Y., 2017
- Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling, University at Albany, Albany, N.Y., 2011
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, C.T., 2009
Michael Gale joined Springfield College in 2023 and primarily serves in the Counseling Psychology PsyD program. His research focuses on experiences of oppression among marginalized communities, social justice, biracial identity/experience, racial health and mental health disparities, and training for multicultural competency and social justice advocacy. He serves on the editorial board for The Counseling Psychologist journal. He is a licensed psychologist and provides individual and family therapy, primarily for adolescents and emerging adults. He also provides individual and group supervision, as well as organizational consultation with a primary focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Racial health disparities
- Bi/multiracial experience and identity
- Multicultural training
- Social justice Clinical supervision
- PSYC 753 - Personality Assessment
- PSYC 786/789 - Doctoral Practicum II/III
- Licensed Psychologist
- American Psychological Association
- Division 17: Society of Counseling Psychology
Selected Works
- Gale, M. M., McCloskey, K., Crowell, K., & Dias, H. (2021) Facilitating social justice interest and action among psychologists-in-training. 2021 AWP Annual Conference. (Virtual).
- Yaghoubi, I., & Gale, M. M., (2021). Facilitating multicultural competencies in mental health supervision. Teachers College 38th Annual Winter Roundtable. New York, NY (Virtual).
- Gale, M. M., & Pieterse, A.L., (2020). Internalized racism and shifting racial expression among multiracial adults. Presented at Boston College Diversity Challenge. Boston, MA (Virtual).
- Gale, M. M., Austin, C. L., & Martin, C., (2020). Multiracial experience: Familial contributions to identity construction and the role of biracial identity in experiences of discrimination and mental health. 2020 Counseling Psychology Conference. New Orleans, LA. Canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
- Gale, M. M., Austin, C. L., & Martin, C., (2020). Addressing biracial identity in clinical supervision and counselor training. Teachers College 37th Annual Winter Roundtable. New York, NY.
- Wilcox, M. M., Gale, M. M., McLaughlin, K. L., Squyres, E., & Burish, E. (2020). Development and initial validation of a multicultural training questionnaire. Poster to be presented at the 2020 Midwinter Meeting of the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP). (Also presented at the 2018 Convention of the American Psychological Association).
- McCloskey, K., Gale, M. M., Huang, G., Culp, M., Guariniello, V., Newman, B., Paranamana, N., Broderick, B., Mitossis, R., Harathi, S., Burns, K., Suara, Z., Young A. (2019). Overcoming white heterosexual male privilege (WHMP) in doctoral-level clinical psychology training programs. Presented at Boston College Diversity Challenge. Boston, MA
- Gale, M. M., Huang, G., Wimmer, H., & White, M., (2019). University student perceptions of campus racial climate after a critical racial incident. Presented at APA Convention 2019. Chicago, IL.
- Gale, M. M., Wimmer, H., Huang, G., & White, M., (2019). An examination of university student perceptions of a critical race-related incident, racial climate on campus, and social justice engagement. Presented at Teachers College 36th Annual Winter Roundtable. New York, NY.
- Lantz, M.M., Gale, M.M., McLaughlin, K.L., Williams, T.D., Shamp, L.S., Taylor, T.O., & Monceaux,C.P., (2018). Development and initial validation of a multicultural training questionnaire. Presented at APA Convention 2018. San Francisco, CA.
- Pieterse, A. L., & Gale, M. M. (2023). There are no sidelines: a reaction to Legha’s “getting off the racist sidelines: an antiracist approach to mental health supervision and training”. The Clinical Supervisor, 1-17.
- Wilcox, M. M., Gale, M. M., McLaughlin, K. L., Squyres, E., Burish, E. C., & Khojasteh, J. (2022). Development and initial validation of the Multicultural Training and Education Questionnaire. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. http://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000344
- Gale, M. M., Pieterse, A. L., Lee, D. L., Huynh, K., Powell, S., & Kirkinis, K. (2020). A meta-analysis of the relationship between internalized racial oppression and health-related outcomes. The Counseling Psychologist, 48(4), 498-525.
- Gale, M. M., Franco, M., Reese, E., Hutman, H., & Wang, Y. W. (2019). Sociocultural factors and referral outcome: An exploratory investigation. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 1-13.
- Martin, J. L., Groth, G., Buckner, L., Gale, M. M., & Kramer, M. E., (2013). Perceived drinking norms among Black college students: The race of reference group members. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2586-2588.
- Pieterse, A. L., Hanus, A., & Gale, M. M., (2012). Advocacy and prevention: Dismantling systems of oppression. In E. Vera (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Prevention in Counseling Psychology (pp. 109-124). Oxford Press: New York, NY.